[VIDEO] How To Pick The BEST Steel For Knife Making

A dependable knife is a “must” for any survivalist; you will use your knife as much or more as any other survival tools in your possession.

Without a dependable knife, your situation becomes much harder to manage.

Knives, however, come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and are made from different types of steel; what type of steel you choose should depend on the type of work you need to do.

The type of steel a knife is made of greatly affects its durability, sharpness, ability to hold sharpness and toughness.

The video on the next page presents different types of steel that you can use to make a knife and knowing the different properties of steel is invaluable for when you choose your next knife as well as understanding what the knives you already own are capable of.


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  1. Stephan Cuny said:

    Well done…Informative and honest… “Face it your first knife is gonna suck, no matter what you do”… You just suck… Wasn’t expecting that…Hahaha

  2. Ryan Walton said:

    I use the big concrete saw blades that they throw away when the diamonds are gone for cutting concrete blocks, you can get 3 good blades perfect for skinning knives the steel is quite hard.

  3. John Paul said:

    I toss mine in slabs and pour over them or just toss them in the dumpster. I never thought of using them again. Although when the diamonds wear off I’m pissed at that point cause I have to chase down another blade lol.

  4. Ryan Walton said:

    True, I go around and ask em to save them for me a few make it into the roll off so I dumpster dive too

  5. Kahl Ravensfeather said:

    Old files/rasps and saw blades work well. Chevy and Nissan leaf springs I know for sure are 5160 carbon steel and make a gorgeous blade or ax.


