(Video) How to Pack for a Day Hike

packing for a day hike

Are you going for a day hike but are uncertain if you have everything you need? Check out this video! Listen closely and include all she shows you. Soon you will be hiking with confidence!

We might have also added taking a five in one knife with us. You may never have to use it but you never know when a blade will come in handy should you get lost or decide to campout for a few hours.

Also, we like the idea of taking things for the consideration of others, like the hanky over tissue. And the idea of a small pad pf paper and a pen or pencil is smart. Not only will you want to write about your hiking adventure but, should something go wrong, you may need to leave a message somewhere, telling searcher where you can be found! And, with this in mind, the whistle is a brilliant idea as well. If you hear people calling for you—blow that whistle!

Hope this helped you and you were able to make some great mental notes for future hikes!


