[VIDEO] How To Make This Pine Pitch Glue

We take a lot of our daily lives for granted – stuff that we barely notice now, would become critical needs in a survival situation. Glue is one of those things we largely ignore until we need it and then the need becomes acute.

Luckily, in a survival situation, nature has given you an amazing way to make glue fairly quickly and easily. Not only does Pine Pitch Glue dry hard, it's also durable.

It can be used to affix arrow heads and spear points to shafts, water proof containers, seal seams – it even can be used to waterproof seams in a canoe.

It is also very easy to make – the hardest hardest part is actually collecting pine sap. The rest is just mixing heated sap with charcoal and letting it dry.

There is a video on the next page that shows how to make this amazing, durable adhesive.


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  1. Jason Andrews said:

    This is the same guy that I watched the video of to learn the hand drill technique. He uses pine sap for extra grip on hand drills. Very usefull thanks for the tag bro.


