[VIDEO] How To Make This Awesome Bushcraft Knife

A good knife is critical to any survival situation or SHTF moment. If everything else is breaking down – and life as we know it is rapidly changing, leaving everyone to fend as best they can, or if you find yourself in a wilderness situation, your knife is indispensable.

It it is not dependable or if it requires so much maintenance as to make it not worth the effort, you are at a decided disadvantage because you will use your knife in a survival situation every day, often several times a day.

Think about how many times you use a knife camping or on a hunting and fishing trip and those times are not under the stress of a survival situation.

The video on the next page shows how one guy makes his own knives; even if you are not as skilled as him, it gives a good idea of what is required to make a good knife.


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