(Video) How to Make an Explosive Tripwire Alarm

flashbang tripwire

You've likely worked hard to make the survival supplies you have and also have taken care of your land. You've always been amassing food and store with accurate focus and planning.

When a survival situation takes place, however, all of that work is at risk. Sure, that time is what you have been getting ready for, but it is also then that other people may attempt to take away all that you've gained through hard work and a lot of perseverance.

A simple way to solve this is just to arm up, right? Well, that may sound like a good plan, but no one can keep a constant watch on every single inch of their borders 24/7.

Eventually, a person will get tired and need to catch some shuteye. Even if you trade ships with another family member, it's still in your best interest to have another way to monitor the perimeter.

That's where a tripwire will help. Just to make sure you can hear it, it should be an explosive tripwire. To learn how to make this, check out the video on the next page. 

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  1. Ken Pat said:

    Replace small firecracker with an M80; you can also look to weather proof with a small ziplock bag (leaving it unsealed) while filling said bag with tacks as small projectiles.

  2. Matthew Baldauf said:

    Nifty trick but are you really going to carry fire crackers in your bugout bag. Would be better off using spare ammo

  3. Keiron Phillips said:

    Perhaps use sandpaper and matches so you get a nice long strip? And u don’t end up with loads of matches not in their boxes!!

  4. Ken Gibbs said:

    I would find the stick matches that have the head that you can strike it on just about anything

  5. Dakota Ryun said:

    I always have some type of firework in my back. The spare gunpowders to convenient and it never hurts to have then in case you need help

  6. Nicole Pulliam said:

    Felipe R Pulliam, it looks like Mike from Appalachian Outlaws is going public with his security bombs. Don’t forget to hide it under a rock! Lol!

  7. Jose R Mateo said:

    So I’ve been reading these articles of how McDonalds burgers can last a long time and are very resistant. I even saw acid poured on one. anyways. McDonalds should get into the Business of making MRE’s if that’s the case.

  8. Christopher Stephen Larkins said:

    Led, photo optic sensor, 9 volt relay, improvised explosive/alarm piezo tweeter.

    This idea you posted works, but is likely to start a fire.

    The idea I posted works, and either maims the intruder, or alerts those nearby. No fires.

  9. Christopher Stephen Larkins said:

    Google laser tripwire or ir tripwire.

    I won’t give out instructions but I can tell you where to educate yourself.

    It’s basic electronics.

  10. Mike Kelly said:

    This fuse lighter has a high chance of failure when used with a trip wire. It is normally used as a quick way of lighting the fuse on homemade pipe bombs, grenades or molotav cocktails when you are going to throw them. For a trip wired early warning device, you are better off using a battery and lights or noise makers. If you really want an explosive on a trip wire, you need a… well, lets just say there are better and more dependable methods.

  11. Brad Kidd said:

    Blank shotgun shells have less risk of failing, and can be used by pressure applications (like a land mine essentially) or on a perimeter snare same as the match method. Only it’ll wake you out of a dead sleep without any doubt. And leave an impact if you’re away when it is triggered.

  12. Joseph Woodard said:

    If no explosives on hand just tie the trip wire to the penis… You’ll DEFINITELY get up.

  13. Dean Vanbesien said:

    Cherry Snybor. Jij hebt zoiets al rond uwen hof spannen zeker. Maar dan sterker

  14. Cherry Snybor said:

    Den draad is bovenaan afgewerkt met drie rijen knalkoord.
    Tegen de vossen he.

  15. Cherry Snybor said:

    Den draad is bovenaan afgewerkt met drie rijen knalkoord.
    Tegen de vossen he.

  16. Cherry Snybor said:

    Den draad is bovenaan afgewerkt met drie rijen knalkoord.
    Tegen de vossen he.

  17. Michael Di Lena said:

    Ever leave a matchbook out over night… Morning dew or rain… Game over… NO BANG!!

  18. Joe Thomas said:

    In reality if there’s any moisture in the air this isn’t going to work for Long so I would suggest reversing the strips putting in between the mattress and encoding it all with a light coat of wax

  19. ALec Prior said:

    Giancarlo Cangelosi this is what I’m talking about on the farm lolol


