(Video) How to Make a Survival Compass Using Wilderness Resources That Are Already There!

survival compass

Once you figure out which direction is North, facing that direction, you know East is to your right, South behind you and West to your left.

Figuring out North, however, can be tricky, unless you use your surroundings to construct a makeshift compass.

When traveling in the wilderness or in a survival situation where you need to avoid standard roadways, you can travel by direction or by landmark.

Unless, though, you know that a landmark leads you directly to where you want to go, you must know which direction to head and that requires you establish which way is North – as a starting point.

Using your surroundings to make a compass allows you to do that.

How would you create a makeshift compass or determine which way was North? Tell us below.


  1. Ted Alblas said:

    You can do it with a cup of water a leaf and a magnetized needle but the water surface has to be still and if im not mistaken the cup would have to be made of wood or plastic


