(Video) How To Make a Celt Tomahawk Out of an Old Adze – This is Remarkable!

How To Make a Celt Tomahawk Out of an Old Adze

Survival situations if they are long enough will demand all of us improvise to make it through.

That eventually, no matter now prepared we are, will mean making our own tools.

When and if that happens, understanding how to cut, forge and work with steel and other metals will be a requirement.

In this particular project, the creator uses an old piece of yard equipment (an adze) to create the head and handle of a functional tomahawk.

While he benefits from modern technology – such as grinders, sanders, torches, a drill press and an oven – in a long-term survival situation, the skills necessary to refine one piece of metal and wood into another functional tool is indispensable.

To see the basic steps to create a tomahawk from an old adze, check out the next page's video.

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  1. Steve's Posey said:

    Interesting video but in a survivalist situation you wouldn’t have power to run your power tools , or propane for your torch. What than ? You better know blacksmithing.


