(Video) How to Make a Business Bucket That’s Ideal for SHTF Scenarios

business bucket

Using only a few bags, buckets, and a pool noodle, you can construct an awesome solution for every time that nature calls. After all, hunching down and trying to do your business gets old really, really, old. Hopefully, this will help alleviate that.

Amazing! This is a lot easier to find in the middle of the night than worrying about finding the “perfect spot.” If you're not able to dispose of your waste in a plastic bag, you can always use the bucket as a seat and cover the waste in a more “organic” way – such as digging a hole and covering it up with leaves and dirt. Would you use this on a bug out? Share with us below!


  1. Scott Smith said:

    Any one ever heard of of a cat hole ? Doesn’t get much more portable or inexpensive than that , and its the way a human body is designed to let waste .

  2. Paul S. Mamakos said:

    That’s got to be more affordable than the 5 person septic system I had installed! And the bucket is portable

  3. Kris Bell said:

    Dude since when is it hard to$#%&!@*in the woods. Some of us in the south have been doing this since childhood. When ya gotta go ya gotta go. No time for a bucket.

  4. Gwen Ivanhoe said:

    I’ve got one of these for privacy/modesty concerns when I go out camping with the boys. When it’s just us girls or I’m by myself, I don’t bother with dragging one along.


