(VIDEO) How to Live in the Woods With a 19th Century Lifestyle

19th century lifestyle

Living off the grid is a huge life choice for anyone. There are a lot of benefits to doing so, like no power bill and the freedom to live as you wish. But who could have thought it could be so fun?

If living like a trapper full time isn't for you, then maybe it could just be your weekend gig. Why we ever moved away from this lifestyle, I shall never know, but this is definitely a great way to live and could be the key to happiness. If you don't agree, just look at the guy; he's oozing happiness!

However, from a more utilitarian standpoint, this video offers a great look at how we could live if SHTF, so that you can have a good idea of how to set up your bug out location. The benefit? If you do it this way then it won't feel like bugging out so much as going on a kickass camping trip.



