(VIDEO) How to Build Inexpensive and Durable Solar Panels

solar panels

Solar panels can get extremely expensive, and if you're planning on running your home or bugout cabin with solar energy, or at least back it up with this energy, then you're going to need a lot of solar panels. You can offset this cost by building them yourself. Learn how below.

This is a highly extensive project not to be undertaken by the faint of heart. The resulting panels may not yield as much energy as a commercially bought solar panel, so that's something you're going to have to take into consideration as you make your off-the-grid plans; if you need to spend just as much to construct a hundred solar panels as you would spend on fifty commercial panels to produce the same amount of energy, then it's definitely not worth it. For the mechanically-inclined, though, this project is well worth the effort.


  1. Selden Jones said:

    Gets really tiring to click and add like this andwhen the page opens it has a picture and a cpl sentences and asks you to click for the next page, don’t need the information that bad!!

  2. Ukko Järvi said:

    PV cells still costs something. Unless you can manufacture them at home?!

  3. Wendell Zerendow said:

    I found this very interesting but it did leave a few things out they went very explicit on the order of the wires to be sordid what you do with all the panels once you get them together I think he should have gone a little bit more in depth about how to hook it all up and what it what you need what else you need to give electricity to like even a laptop thank you


