[VIDEO] How to Build a ‘Long Fire’ That’ll Keep You From Freezing at Night

long fire

As always with the maker of these types of videos, some salty language is used, but the instructions are easy to follow and in a survival situation, the advice is invaluable.

A long fire is one option you have to ensure that you stay warm and dry overnight and in inclement weather.

The long fire is so easy virtually anyone can master it. It provides much-needed warmth for the long-term, which is particularly helpful if you are facing a cold weather survival situation.

Best of all, this type of fire will burn through the night, meaning you do not have to nurse it all night or start over once the sun comes up – giving you time to rest in warmth and relative comfort.

How would you improve upon this concept? Tell us below.


  1. Mark Greer said:

    Commentary like a cross between a bad Monty Python impersonation and a Ronco commercial.

  2. John Anson Wick said:

    Your tent is a bit close to the fire though… it’ll make that tarp awfully warm and melting.

  3. David Lyons said:

    This is very important info. I recently went camping with my grandson. Out of the thirty plus sights, only three had fires. Yes, I was one of the three. It was cold and raining. The fire kept us warm.


