(Video) How to Beat the Heat (or at Least Make it Bearable)

beating the heat

I am one of those rare individuals who is not bothered by the heat or humidity.

In fact, I generally do not consider wearing short sleeves until the “mercury” crosses the 80 degrees Fahrenheit line.

While I still have to take precautions against the heat in the Summer when working outside, I am just not bothered by it – even when the temperature and humidity get really high.

Many, if not most people, though, struggle with the heat, whether outside working or doing something that requires less exertion inside.

For them, hot temperatures are at best, very uncomfortable.

At worst, overheating can pose a real threat to their well being.

Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to “beat the heat” even if the AC is not available!

Check out the video on the next page to see what I mean!

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