(Video) Home Security Life Hacks Every Prepper Should Make Sure They Know About Before Doomsday

home security life hack

These clever life hacks are absolutely essential for anyone that's afraid of a break-in. Not only are they useful now, but they also could keep you and your family safe during a SHTF moment. Check them out!

That binder trick is a great idea for any bookshelf! And cutting cardboard in the shape of a person might be a little more realistic that setting up a Michael Jordan standee to ride around your floor in a toy train. Do you have any other home security hacks that should make the list? Share with us below!


  1. Luke Ange said:

    And I thought this was going to be clever. I follow a few survivalist pages but they just keep getting more pathetic. Rarely do they post anything actually useful.

  2. Arik Estus Sr. said:

    Right, a cardboard cutout in the window? Sure, how long will you stand in one spot for that to be effective,


