(Video) Here are 15 of the Most Dangerous Places to Avoid at All Costs Now and After a Disaster

Grand Canyon

One would think if you are visiting a beautiful vacationer’s paradise, gorgeous to the eye with lovely and expensive high-end hotels, with plenty of tourists hot spots, the city would be relatively safe. Not necessarily true, say some experts.

Just because a place is not a terrorist home-base, without bombings and gunfire, does not make it safe! There are such things as tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes and many other weather related disasters just waiting to happen! And no, when they do happen you don’t want to be there!

Yes, we know many of you are outdoorsmen, survivalists, and danger seekers but do not be foolish. Stay away from places that have been known to do mankind great harm!

Where are these places you might ask? Good question and we are going to illustrate fifteen (15) places that are considered by many as the most dangerous to visit and live in the world. AKA – They should be avoided at all costs!

Check it out 15 of the most dangerous places after the break and why we should avoid them!

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