(VIDEO) He Takes Out a Machete. How He Uses it to Open THIS Item? I Can’t Believe It!


Forgetting to pack a can opener has happened to many people on many a camping trip, and it's sure to happen to plenty of preppers when SHTF. But preppers love their machetes, and these bush-whacking tools can be heavy-duty can openers in a pinch.

I feel like it's necessary at this point to say “Don't try this at home, kids.” There is a very large margin for error, and what started out as an innocent endeavor to have some cocktail weenies can quickly become a race to find your fingertips among the little sausages.

This trick will get the job done, but to avoid the aforementioned scenario you should probably just remember to pack a can opener.

Survival hacks are the best hacks, and this one is no different.


  1. Doug Hughes said:

    The top of a can is rolled. 30 seconds of rubbing the top on concrete will open it right up.

  2. Tucker Bays said:

    Used a machete to open a can…..yes. Real$#%&!@*wouldn’t have thought of that on my own


