(Video) He Takes Out a Battery and Steel Wool. Now Prepare to be Amazed When This Fire Starting Technique is Revealed…


Getting a fire going, under the best of circumstances, can be a bit difficult at times. And under the worst of circumstances? Well, it'll be darn near impossible if you don't have the right tools.

Let's face it; most people wouldn't be able to get a fire going unless they had lighter fluid, a completely full lighter, and the driest wood and tinder possible.

In most survival situations, having ideal circumstances for fire construction is pretty much unheard of. Ideally, you'd have three methods of fire starting. Generally, these will be matches, lighters, and a Ferro rod. However, if you are suddenly thrown into an unexpected survival situation, you may have to make due with what you have.

For instance, if you find yourself in the middle of a SHTF, gotta get the heck out of Dodge, situation, you may only have some supplies that would be in your truck's toolbox.

Luckily, if you happen to have steel wool and a battery in there, getting a fire going should be easy. Check it out by watching the video on the next page.

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  1. Thomas Whitten said:

    This works. You just have to be ready when you go to light it. Don’t mess around ’cause it can go quickly.

  2. Dave Skorjanc said:

    Guys…seriously…this click bait type of intro is kinda stupid… “she takes a battery and some steel wool…what she does next will have you shitting your pants with excitement and$#%&!@*in your pants…” Yes, we knew you can arc some sparky things with a 9V and steel wool… We got it…kthanx…

  3. Tommy Novotnak said:

    Yeah, you just happen to have steel wool and a 9 volt battery when your stranded.

  4. Marc Black said:

    I learned that back in the 70’s, and how to cook bacon and eggs in a paper bag.

  5. Bob Wade said:

    Ya, because i am going to stock my supplies with steel wool & 9v batteries instead of packing lighters, matches, magnesium block, flint & steel……

  6. Scott Paddock said:

    Why would I be astonished by this? I learned that$#%&!@*when I was 8……………

  7. Rob Kercher said:

    You can knead in chapstick and light the cotton balls in the wet with any spark I use it all the time to light the hibachi at home.


