(VIDEO) He Takes Out a 12 Volt Battery. The Survival Hack He Shows Us? AMAZING!

12-volt battery

In a SHTF situation, you want to make sure all of your energy needs are covered. Whether it’s during a natural disaster or an EMT, your electricity is sure to go out for who knows how long? You don’t want to be the person that didn’t prepare when SHTF.

You also don’t want to be the person left in the dark, hoping that the old flashlights in the closet will last you through the night. You will run out of batteries and you'll be wishing you had brought some fire starters with you. Not only that, but you'll want to make sure you're using batteries that'll last.

So make sure all of your batteries are good to go. One way to ensure your small electronics are covered is through this simple survival hack.

All you need is a 12-volt battery and a pair of pliers! Check it out on the video on the next page to learn more.

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One Comment;

  1. Brent Roberts said:

    This is total$#%&!@* I’ve done his hack and come up with batteries that are D sized in diameter, but 1.5x the height of a D battery. Didn’t find aa’s or button cells. I got 4 giant cells for a maglight.


