(VIDEO) He Constructs an Emergency Shelter From a Tree Root. How He Does it Without Tools? Talk About Survival Smarts!

tree root shelter

When you're stranded in the wilderness without having much, all you need to do is find a tree root. From there it's important to find a sturdy branch you can lean against the tree root, followed by other smaller branches. It's not enough for us to explain it — watch how to visually put together a quick and effective shelter like this one. You never know when you may be faced with a SHTF moment when you'll need to construct a shelter just like this!

It's nice that this shelter can keep you safe from the elements and that it is also well insulated. The door to get in was large enough for this prepper to safely tuck himself inside, though he did mention that it was quite dark. If it's raining or the temps are going to be freezing cold, this is the type of insulated shelter you would need until the morning arrives. Then it's time to find yourself some food and water!

One Comment;

  1. Matt Roberts said:

    Just remember critters like these blow downs as well, especially skunks around here.


