(VIDEO) Hardtack Can be a Life Saving Survival Food When You’re Bugging Out and You Can Make it Ahead of Time!


Hardtack is the food of the settlers. It was the go-to supper for the sailors who first made landfall in this country. It was utilized by the first pilgrims in order to make it through the long winters.

Hardtack was in every saddlebag of the settlers who moved out west. Needless to say, hardtack was a heavy part of what made European settling of America successful. That and beer (the Revolution was largely planned in a tavern called The Green Dragon).

This excellent survival food has a seemingly infinite shelf life when it's prepared properly and does an excellent job of providing enough energy through carbohydrates to keep you moving forward.

It can be used as a filler for most meals and is so easy to make you'll wonder why you don't already have shelves of it in your pantry.

Check out the method on the next page.

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  1. Stephen Moore said:

    Lydia Brooks, this is the bread I used to make all the time I was telling you about

  2. Adam Liles said:

    I had to make this for American History. Only two people in the class liked it and I was one of them.

  3. Bill Gremling said:

    Why do they all talk way to much when making these videos. Just get to the point.

  4. Mike Hunkins said:

    A military historian that visited our middle school said soldiers referred to hardtac as dog biscuits.


