[VIDEO] Got An Old Washing Machine? Turn It Into A Water Powered Generator: DIY

Just about any old machine – stoves, dryers or in this case an old washing machine can be re-purposed to make something else in a SHTF moment or survival situation. This is particularly true if you are in a long-term survival situation.

One of the most acute challenges facing any survivalist is being able to maintain power levels in your home – if for no other reason than to keep refrigerators or freezers powered to preserve food.

In this case, an old washing machine can be rebuilt and re-purposed to make a water driven generator – using the concept of turbine power generation – like they use in dams today – to create enough power to your home – or at least a workshop or garage.

The video on the next page shows you how to make this amazingly simple turbine to create your own power.


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