(VIDEO) Free and Never Ending Fuel for Your Bug Out Cabin?! Find Out How to Heat Your Cabin HERE:

unlimited fuel

Having a stockpile of fuel is a goal we can all aspire to. Whether it be storing barrels of gasoline or diesel, loading up on wood pellets or stacks and stacks of firewood, having fuel prepared for when we need it is an important part of prepper and survivalist life and should be a part of everyone's life.

So why waste fuel when it's sent so willingly to you every day?

Learn how to convert junk mail into burnable logs in the video below.

The US produces 1 billion pounds of landfill every year from junk mail alone. That's a lot of free fuel.

Sure, we should really recycle more, but this is sort of a form of recycling; you are merely saving it to turn into something useful. If you have friends and family that are willing to save their junk mail for you to turn into fire logs, all the better.

While the video speaks of using the fuel in your current situation, like heating your home on a yearly basis, it may be better if you store this fuel in stacks to use at your bug out location.

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