(Video) Forget Expensive Security! Here’s How to Make an Inexpensive (and Effective) Miracle Safe

miracle safe

This is such an awesome DIY project! Make a Miracle Safe using a container of Miracle Whip for your bug out cabin! When SHTF and you're not sure where to store your money, this is a great way to keep it safe!

Amazing! A thief isn't likely to waste time sifting through your fridge (unless they, too, have seen this video), so this is perfect. Let's just hope that no curious house guests develop a taste for Miracle Whip next time they're over!


  1. Christopher Hebert said:

    Wouldn’t First Thing I Go For Is The Miracle Whip…
    Besides No One Has A Totally Full Jar In Their House…

  2. Becka Rfish said:

    Until now. Now they will go into your fridge and destroy it looking in jars. What a mess that would be!

  3. Vincent Richard Tarr said:

    I was about to say the same….now aaaaaall your tin cans bottles etc will be on their list of things to grab….just in case something valuable is stashed in it….silly to advertise??


