[Video] Easy to Make PVC Pipe Fishing Rod!

As a survivalist, you should be prepared and equipped to feed yourself and/or your family. Sure it's great to have the necessary essentials to go fishing when you had a mapped out plan of your camping or fishing trip. But what about a scenario that you hadn't planned? A situation that you hadn't anticipated. What would you do if you had to rely on your instinct and survival skills to fish without a fishing rod or your usual fishing kit. Sometimes it's hard to imagine a situation in which we are ill equipped – you've got a plan for everything, right? Well, now you can confidently say that you're ready and prepared to create your own fishing rod from a PVC pipe. The material is cheap, the video is super easy, and you'll be all set to feed yourself and whoever else you need to with this how-to guide below:

See how easy that was? It may not be the best looking fishing rod, but it gets the job done and in a pinch, it will come in handy.

What about bait? If you're in the wilderness, chances are you can dig around your surroundings and uncover a worm (or two!) or maybe some crickets if you can catch them. But if this is not an option, or you simply cannot find an enticing piece of bait, that's alright. Fish are attracted to bright colors. Do you have any material laying around that you could cut up? Fabric is the easiest and only a small amount is necessary. You can also get creative and use an earring – fish tend to be attracted to metal as it glimmers in the water. If you have access to any feathers, you can use those as well.

Have you ever made a makeshift fishing rod? Share your ideas and photos with us! We love learning new survival techniques to add to our artillery.

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