(Video) Don’t Waste Wood Ash – It’s a Tremendous Resource!

charred wood in ash

When we are training to survive, learning what to do with our wood ash may be low on the list of things we need to do. Yet, it really should not be excluded. If you have a homestead or a bug-out shelter and plan to live off the land, to grow things, you just might want to see how this ash can help things grow! It can do that and so much more!

How fun is it to watch this couple, in the middle of a snow storm, working together and keeping their … cool! We enjoy watching them and we really like this simple video about what can be done with wood ash!

Maybe in the here and now you may not think it is something you need to deal with but, in the future, wood ash could become as valuable as gold for all the things it can do in your garden and around the house.

Just think about that next you decide to dump your wood ash!


