Hacks become a way of life when you are a prepper or survivalists but, on our off time, we do drink sodas, teas, and/or bottled water. We are children of the twentieth and twenty-first century, after all.
With this in mind, we acquire a lot of those plastic two liters or even 8 oz. bottles laying around. If you are conscientious you are tossing them into your designated “blue trash can” for later recycling.
However, if you think about it, you can do a lot of reutilizing on your own! Seriously, why let the recycling companies have all the fun? Our plastic bottles can be cut and manipulated into doing a lot of things!
If you do not believe us go on over to the next page and watch this amazing video that pretty much shows you everything you can do with one of those nifty throw away plastic bottles!
You will be stunned by their versatility!
Anything about being prepared is important
Kelly Holland