[VIDEO] Do you Know This Effective Primitive Fish Trap?

Catching fish in a survival situation is one of the easiest ways to get access to protein and a host of vitamins and minerals.

Fish exist virtually everywhere and while not all are edible normally, in a survival situation, if that is all you have to eat, well, “any port in a storm” as the old saying goes.

One obstacle to catching fish, however, is if you do not have adequate fishing gear like at least fishing line and a hook.

When that happens, there are any number of fish traps you can build in order to gain access to bait to catch larger fish or even to catch those larger fish if you build the trap large enough.

On the next page is a video that shows you how to make a very simple fish trap, using natural materials found next to almost every body of water.


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  1. James Gelowitz said:

    One my personal favorites would have to be converting a plastic bottle (like a 2 liter or water bottle) into a bait and small fish trap, I actually use these to catch the bait I fish with currently. Its really effective, easy to do, and plastic bottles can be found almost anywhere a cost exsists


