[VIDEO] Dead Reckoning is a Skill You Must Develop for Survival Navigation

Dead Reckoning

Almost everyone who has spent time in the brush has encountered a situation where traditional course-plotting is just not possible or practical.

This situation might be when you are ensconced in a foggy environment, traveling after dark or when your traditional instruments, like a compass, are not operative.

On land, dead reckoning is best achieved by memorizing the gist of your surroundings via a map, before you head out. Memorize major roads, landmarks and water bodies that can give you a general idea of where you are and the proper course to get to safety.

On the water, where landmarks are not always visible, using instruments and simple math achieves a general identifier of your location.

Watch the video on the next page to learn how to use dead reckoning to pinpoint your position on land or water.

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  1. Todd Skidmore said:

    If you’re using a map and compass it’s not dead reckoning. Its land navigation. Dead reckoning is knowing the general direction you need to go and going. If you have a map and or compass why not use it. Good luck heavy on the dead at least.


