(VIDEO) Could You Construct a Long Term Survival Shelter Like This? It’s Crazy But Life Saving!

longterm survival shelter

Hopefully if any of us ever get into a survival situation, it will only be for a couple of hours until we hear the voices of people on a trail about a hundred feet away. At that point will probably walk out sheepishly to tell them that we couldn't find the trail (it happens WAY more often than you would think).

If it's a worse situation than that, then hopefully we are only out there for one night. In the worst of circumstances, though, we may have to rough it for days at a time until someone notices we are missing and conduct a search to rescue us.

When that happens, we need a shelter that is more than just a pile of sticks to block the wind.

For a long term survival shelter, you'll need to block wind, rain, snow, and be able to reflect the heat of your fire back onto yourself.

For the ideal shelter which covers all of these areas, you'll want the shelter presented on the next page.

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