(Video) Construct a Survival Time Capsule That’s Waterproof for Doomsday

survival time capsile

Bug out bags and survival kits are great, but over time you need to replace the supplies. Why is that? Moisture can seep in and ruin some of the supplies and you may also have the issue of dirt and sand getting in your bag, especially if you bring it with you everywhere.  common bug out bag

For a common bug out bag, you will also need to replace most of the supplies over time. If you never replace them food items can go bad, batteries will no longer work, and other supplies can go bad as well.

Yes, supplies in a capsule can also go bad, but you should plan accordingly so that the items will stay good for a longer period of time.

Made out of a PVD pipe, watch on the video how a prepper shows us how to make a waterproof time capsule or bug out capsule that can be stored for later or used when SHTF after the break.

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  1. Thomas Whitten said:

    These are actually a great idea! Build one cheap, cheap, cheap to fit what you intend to carry or hide at a site. Be sure to put a$#%&!@*it to carry it with little effort.

  2. Ernest Levesque said:

    If you have the room or make it to fit. put it in your car or truck and it will make a good possibility bag. Solid and safe but do check it from time to time to make sure items are ok.

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