(VIDEO) Check Out This Mind-Blowing Hack: Starting a Fire With Sugar and Without Matches

starting a fire with sugar

If your matches are wet or your lighter is out of fuel, it's hard to get a friction fire going. Another scenario is it is a cloudy day which is making your magnifying glass useless. If this sounds like an experience you've been through before, then it's likely you're sick of wasting your time trying to get that fire going.

Who likes to go through a rough weekend in the woods?!

Thankfully, if you've ever been in a high school chemistry class, you can come up with a handy little fire just with some sugar from home and potassium permanganate.

This easy trick utilizes the chemical nature of the two ingredients and results in a nice little flame that more than hot enough to ignite any tinder you can get your hands on.

After the break, you'll be impressed at just how easy this method is after you watch the video on the next page.

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  1. Yuben Yurkenohf said:

    Have you ever tried to start a fire with just the sparks from the flint of a Bic lighter ?
    They aren’t hot enough .

  2. Katalina Klavin said:

    That’s weird, cause I try any new thing I hear about. To make sure I’m able to do it.But I was using shavings from pine…

  3. AL Carter said:

    little fire just with some sugar from home and potassium permanganate.

  4. AL Carter said:

    Whoever writes these articles needs to be slapped with a wet loaf of bread

  5. Keith William Cockriel said:

    I can’t envision a scenario where I would have sugar and potassium permanganate, but not a lighter or at least a ferro rod.


