(VIDEO) Check Out This Insanely Easy Way to Open a Can With Your Bare Hands

opening a can with your bare hands

Opening a can with your bare hands seems impossible unless it has one of those pull tabs or you're an international strong man. But in actuality, getting a sealed can open with just a friction from a flat surface is just as easy as using a can opener, and if you get good at it, it may even be faster. Check out the video below to learn how.

This is a really cool trick. Essentially what you're doing is heating up the seal so the lid comes loose, rather than cutting through the thick metal of the lid as a can opener or knife would do.

What's great about this trick is you can pretty much do it anywhere you have an abrasive surface like a road or sidewalk.

For urban survival, adding this trick to your arsenal of knowledge could definitely improve your chances. Or, if it's just a regular day out at the park for a picnic, impress your friends and family when you “forget” your can opener. Just be careful not to cut yourself on the edges!


  1. DjandGretchin Allen said:

    You can (LOL) always do the rub the top rim on the concrete and grind off the fold method too.

  2. Corey Crawford said:

    Pretty simple one is to hit the can in the middle on the edge of something you can just fold it back and forth and snap it in half

  3. Mike Hatfield said:

    Great post. A fixed blade knife works too. Dont recommend a lock blade for obvious reasons.

  4. Dan Rapacki said:

    Its gonna be hard to bug OT when SHTF when I can’t even watch your videos for some fucking reason


