(Video) Cell Phone Hacks to Learn ASAP for a Survival Scenario!

cell phone hacks

Like it or not, we rely on our cell phones.

For most of us, they have become as important as our right arm, and we use them as much!

They allow mobile communication, verbally and on social media and let us check email, stay up on news, buy things, to navigate – they are in essence, pocket-sized computers that have become indispensable.

That makes them indispensable during your common, short-term survival situation as well.

Being able to communicate with the authorities, get weather information, locate family and friends, etc. are all functions that our cell phones play when we are confronted with a lower-level, but still dangerous survival scenario.

That also means, though, that we are vulnerable as it pertains to locating and holding strong cell signals, maintaining battery life and using the internet.

Fortunately, there are some simple hacks you can use to improve all three and the video on the next page covers them.

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One Comment;

  1. Jørgen Andbæk said:

    In Denmark we “called home” for more than 1600 years now
    My belt buckel.. a solar compas
    combined with the north star or the sun and knowledge I´ll never be lost.

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