(Video) Believe it or Not, But This Hardware Store Has Everything a Person Needs to Live Off Grid Without Electricity


When we moved east from California we thought we’d be a little bored. After all, while we are somewhat close to Kings Island amusement park there is no Disneyland, Universal Studios, beach or even a desert to do a little off-roading.

What's more, we were moving away from our Favorite sporting goods store and several malls and boutiques we frequented. Anyway, we are happy to report we’ve found some new and interesting things in the area including a great store called Lehman’s.

What is fascinating about Lehman’s is it sells everything you could want – that does not run on electricity! This is a homesteader’s paradise! It is considered a hardware store but it has toys, car games, stainless steel plates, and even refrigerators that run on gasoline! The place is huge!

If you cannot come to Ohio, or even if you can, we suggest you look at the video on the following page. If it amazes and delights you even half as much as it has us, you will be in nirvana!

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