(Video) Being Intimate With a Significant Other After a Disaster – Vital Things to Consider


The Patriot Nurse brings us a truly wise and informative video about a subject that may be a little uncomfortable and personal for some but, in a SHTF crisis, it is something that needs to be addressed.

Intimacy with your partner after the grid goes down and chaos hits can be both comforting and also fill a couple with anxiety. Wanting each other is not enough.

This can be a frightening situation. What about birth control, cleanliness, and if a woman does become pregnant during uncertain times… is abortion even an option?

Over on the next page, The Nurse gives us some practical but easily tactful information on these subjects. She may say something that you may not entirely certain you agree with but she, being who she is, knows more than you and us so please listen.

She is definitely a person to have around during any crisis!

Watch what she has to say about the topic of intimacy post-collapse on the video after the break.

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