(Video) Barefoot Man Built an Underground House for Only $50. Wow!

old man with home

Many of us are not exactly wealthy, even if we do own a small parcel of land we expect to bug-out on. After all, the land itself does not come cheap and then the subsequent building on that piece of earth can also be a costly matter!

Over the years we’ve learned many ways to build on land for as little as a thousand dollars – which is crazy great for a good bug-out shelter! But what if we can get the cost of shelter even lower? With some ingenuity and a lot of terrific planning, you could get your housing cost into the amazing hundreds or…

With some ingenuity and a lot of terrific planning, you could get your housing cost into the amazing hundreds or…

You can do what the gentleman over on the next page did and build an underground shelter for a mere fifty ($50.00) dollars! Is that not insanely remarkable?

Check out the extraordinary video over on page two, following a reporter who trails the “barefoot man,” as he shows her his home!

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