(VIDEO) A Prepper Shows Us His Underground Bunker. When He Reveals His Top Secret? How Incredible!

survival bunker

Not every prepper thinks they can come up with their own underground bunker, but with some preparation and strategic planning, it's possible. After all, an underground bunker is the perfect place to run and hide if a tornado should hit, there's an EMP strike, or the in-laws come.

This is a well-known dream for many survivalists, although many may push this dream aside due to the cost and not wanting it not to turn out how they had hoped. However, you shouldn't let that stop you. What other people may think isn't nearly as important as keeping yourself, your family, and your stockpiled supplies safe and ready for when SHTF.

One prepper decided not to worry about what others may think and designed his very own underground bunker. He did this bunker by hand, so his cost considerably went down. All it took for him was time, some elbow grease, and a very smart use of space.

Check out an incredible bunker and how it's this prepper's top secret after the break. 

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  1. Robert Dudley said:

    Can’t believe he showed his face at the last. OPSEC blown at that point. Good start and better than glowing in the dark. But where are the water barrels ? Need dig a septic system too. 🙂

  2. Cliff Bagwell said:

    This would be tough to do in my location. Too much subsurface water. Mold and mildew and muddy walls would be prevalent.

  3. Jonathan Chalmers said:

    Why you building s bunker to store just food in , incase of a fallout, huuum ? WTF? Dumbass

  4. David Tiedt said:

    Yep need to have a well and go LED lighting burns almost no battery power! Good job I’m jealous I wish I had a place to at least get started

  5. Tim Nalley said:

    Southern Pepper 1. Lots of You Tubes already with lots of facetime. Retired infantry officer.

  6. Matthew Berger said:

    I promise I’ll click on more of the homesteading links when the editors stop using that ridiculous pseudo-important tone in the tag line.


