(Video) A Person is Which Animal? This May Determine How a Person Will Fare When a Collapse Takes Place!

majestic lion

Up for taking a test? This one is actually pretty fun, we promise. If you ever wonder what kind of animal you would be in the wild, you'll get a definitive answer today!

This simple quiz will tell you what animal you would be in the wild based on your personality. So if you want to know if you'd be as strong as the lion or as loyal as the wolf this quick questionnaire will give you a solid idea.

You could even use this animal to inspire you to survive an off-grid or SHTF lifestyle. Find out your animal today!

Watch the video on the next page to find out what kind of animal you would be in the wild!

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  1. Wade Slattery said:

    Your all a bunch of dumb fuckin monkeys, your not a lion or a owl your hairless stinking monkeys each and every last one of you. Nothing special just one of the billions of hairless apes infesting this planet.


