(Video) A Man Catches Footage of Mountain Lion Attacking a Four Point Buck and it’s Unlike Anything Anyone Has Ever Seen


In times of difficult, more and more people are turning to the raw purity and beauty of the wilderness. Even if it's just for a few hours, being able to ‘get away from it all' is becoming more and more important to people who are affected by the asinine politics and sometimes toxic environments that exist in society today.

Some people are taking it one step further and going back to their roots by establishing a homestead and bugging out in the woods. There's nothing like enjoying nature and getting away from how the world has become for a while.

Regardless of a person's reasons, there are still risks involved while enjoying the wild. One risk is getting closer to the predators of the world. These are the predators that it's okay to be fearful of when getting close to nature.

In fact, one of the most feared predators is the mountain lion, as these hikers quickly discovered on the video. Check out what happens during their encounter after the break. 

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  1. David Conover said:

    I don’t think the guy narrating the video knew what he was talking about.

  2. Jay Martin said:

    That was a very big Cat. I have spent a fair amount of time walking in the woods well before daylight, hiking to where I planned on hunting that day. I only used a cap light, which attaches to the bill, but it kept my hands free to wield my shotgun just in case. We don’t have many Lions in our area, but you never know. Being armed is a confidence booster.

  3. Bob O'Krogly said:

    This is bogus! There’s no video! Don’t open anything with diehardsurvivor dot com on it!

  4. Connie Lynn said:

    Never saw the video… took forever to load and then all advertisement.

  5. Thomas Wilson said:

    lmao ‘we should probably get a ranger so no one walks by here’ what a dumbass. its not going to stay there. it has 4 legs, it travels. they gonna shut down the whole park?

  6. Bob Smith said:

    When your hungry a nd they won’t let vyou in taco bell

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