(Video) A Bear Encounters a Cougar. What Happens Next? This is Unbelievable!


It's stunning to see what happens when a bear crosses paths with a cougar!

When a disruptive event occurs, we may have no choice but to bug out and live off the land for days, weeks, or even months. This means that we will need to be aware of the potential wild animals that may be in the area where we make our camp.

Wild animals such as bears are bigger and stronger than we are. In order to survive in the wilderness, it is best to stay away from them. Wild bears may not be afraid to attack.

In particular, wild bears who are trying to protect their cubs and feel threatened will not be afraid to attack. However, when the giant bear on the next page attacks a cougar, what happens may make your jaw drop!

To see how the battle went down between a giant bear and the cougar, please head on over to the next page and check out the video. 

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  1. Jason Holecz said:

    That bear was far from hungry. If it was, the cougar and cub would have apples in their mouths.

  2. James Stewart said:

    That cat was no kitten. Its no surprise though, I’ve seen an 8lb cat tear up an 80lb dog more times than I can count. They’re the ultimate predator for a reason.

  3. Jimmy Bell said:

    Simple, the bear knew the Cougar was defending her baby and would fight to the death. He may win, but it wouldn’t be worth the effort.

  4. Buck Fuller said:

    Yeah just click next page to find out.
    Now just click the next page,
    And now the next.
    Almost there. Just click one more page and…….
    Just one more…..

  5. Buck Fuller said:

    Yeah just click next page to find out.
    Now just click the next page,
    And now the next.
    Almost there. Just click one more page and…….
    Just one more…..

  6. Frank Leday said:

    Save u a click…. They fall in love, kiss and live happily ever after.


