(Video) 5 Things Preppers Don’t Have Stockpiled That They’ll Need for Doomsday

paper plates

As preppers we try to think of every scenario for when SHTF and prepare for it accordingly. However, sometimes common items slip our minds but as Rule the Wasteland explains in his video, these items may just be things you find yourself needing the most during a disruptive event. You should include these items in your bug out gear because they may just make surviving a little bit easier. They may even help you out in a tricky situation or two.

Many preppers think about items like pans and pots and reusable plates and utensils, but paper plates and plastic forks and spoons are also critical to stockpile because they can help you save time.

It is also vital to remember that not everyone you come in contact with may speak your language. That's why it is crucial to stockpile things such as flashcards so you can easily communicate with anyone during a crisis.

These items may not be at the top of your stockpile list, but they should definitely be included because you never knew when you might find yourself needing them!

One Comment;

  1. James Page said:

    Ha I’m beyond prepper lol, got this figured out long ago


