(Video) 5-Minute Hand Warmer Project That’s Ideal for Bugging Out During the Winter

Hand Warmer Prep

Now is the time to keep your hands warm! Especially if you are finding that the area you live in is getting chilly as of late. This is also an excellent way to keep the kid's hands warm while you're bugging out. Share this with your friends and neighbors! Don’t forget to check out the video!

Instant hand warmers are great–just shake 'em up, and you've got spontaneous warmth to thaw your hands during the cold winter months. But they're awfully expensive, and not because they're complicated to manufacture. In fact, you can make them yourself in a few very easy steps.

•Calcium chloride ice-melt pellets
•Two ziploc bags of different sizes

Again, while we can easily picture a prepper, out in the wilderness with this hand warmer, we can also see an everyday ordinary person sitting in their living room experimenting as well.

It may not be the most inexpensive way to keep your hands warm but, when you are cold an extra few buck probably will not matter! Give it a try and learn more about this useful project on Popsci.

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