(Video) 5 Incredible Ideas on How to Reuse 5 Liter Plastic Bottles

5 liter plastic bottle

This video was made late last year but is still very relevant. We all have a plastic bottle and wonder what we can do with them other than the obvious. Take a look and marvel at the inventiveness of our host!

Let’s go over the ideas:

1) A watering can if your water supply was cut off in the area you are working in or you don’t have a tap at all. You will have to find water somewhere for this work but it is a smart idea, really!
2) Make a DIY dish rack dryer.
3) A DIY handle for carrying heavy bags so you not to injure your hands or cause those ugly creases.
4) Making a key copy. Cheaper than having it made in Walmart©!
5) Carrying heavy steel reinforcement bars, steel tubes or any of the like.

Not bad but we are sure you can come up with more ideas. Let us know!


