(Video) 5 Incredible Fire Hacks That Are so Easy it’s Hard to Believe


In every survival kit, there should be several ways of starting a fire. After all, without fire, we will not be able to boil water, cook food, or keep warm. If you're lost in the wilderness, fire also grants you the opportunity to signal for help.

This makes it a top priority to the survivor; making fire should always be at the back of your mind when entering a potentially dangerous situation.

That said, when you go into an area, you should be able to produce at least a few ways of getting a warm blaze going. Hopefully, these ways will not be very labor-intensive; the more energy you spend, the more you have to get back.

Rest assured, though, because no matter how bad it looks, the universe will always provide you with a few easy methods of getting warm, as long as you know how to prepare.

To know what we're talking about, check out the tips on the next page.

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  1. Mokka Demon said:

    Someone watch that and report back your findings. Thanks.

    Sincerely, My Data


