Sometimes we take ourselves a little too seriously. Prepping and surviving is, indeed, a sober business but there comes a time when we should just be grateful to a hack for what it is. An idea. A way to do something that might not have ever been thought of outside of your kitchen or workshop. Or, if it was, no one thought it important enough to video and share.
And why not? Anything that is successful, above all if it is a life hack, should be shared even if you think it is lame!
On the next page, we have three pretty darn clever hacks.
Sure, they may seem a little lame at first but when you really think about them, the viewpoint behind the projects, the more you come to appreciate the motivation and “let’s just see if this works” surrounding these undertakings!
Go on over and check them out. After all, nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Melissa Schnoor
Dismiss it because it’s misleading with ads.
Not worth a look. A waste of time.
What a bunch of nonsense! How about some worthwhile content for a change?
Yep pretty lame, would you like to contribute to my data bill since you wasted my time with this crap!
Gluing a cap on an orange. You are right, that is stupid.
None of these productive. Your wasting time. And adding extra steps to doing things that already work with out them.
The phone already illuminates with a flashlight app. The lemon or Orange what ever it was will still get the juice out with out the lid. And the key is weird cause you already have the key. Why make a fake one? If your in survival mode you wouldn’t want to waist your time work smarter not harder.