(Video) 3 Life Hack Myths That Are Finally… Busted!

holding pen with wire

Prepping life can be difficult enough without having to fuss over hacking myths. Here is the Crazy Russian Hacker getting down to the crux of the matter as he shows us some curious truths!

Vividly, we remember kids all through school doing the soda can finger tap and we never really understood why they thought it would work to deaden those bubbles. As it turns out, it did nothing! And apologies to Mom for bringing to light that her wooden spoon hack really does not work as well as she thought. Maybe you just have an extra deep pot, Mom?!

We are sure there are more out there than what the Crazy Russian has shown us but these were all very interesting! Here is hoping one day someone will come up with a plastic packaging opening hack that will not take all of our fingernails off when you do it!


