These Simple Hacks Could Save Serious Heating Costs This Winter. This Homesteader Swears by Them!


Conservation of resources = be they “commonly held” or your own personal resources should be foremost on every survivalist's mind; you should strive to save and re-purpose all you can!

Saving money on power and heat is no different; here are some tips how.

Switch Fan Direction.

Turn the switch so your fan rotates clockwise in the winter and then switch it back to counter clockwise in the summer. The reason for turning it clockwise is your fan will draw up the cold air on the floor, bring it up to the ceiling where warm air rises, and then push the warm air back downward for a well circulated room.

Replace your filters every 3 months.

Filters have a HUGE impact on how hard your system is working to produce the heat/cool that you desire. Think of it this way, if you were on a tread mill working out and someone places a handkerchief over your nose and mouth, reducing your oxygen, how would you feel? You would be laboring for air. Well your heating and cooling system feels the same.

Maximize the sun’s energy and warmth by opening/closing specific drapes and blinds.

We don’t have many ultra cold days here, but when we do I CLOSE drapes/blinds on my Northern facing windows and OPEN all the Southern and Western facing drapes/blinds. The day’s southern exposure sun will pour in through the windows, whereas closing all north facing windows will lock in a bit of your warmth and not let it escape through the window glass.

In virtually every aspect of preparing for a survival moment or incident, we focus on preparing and making the best use of what we have.

Conserving energy while prolonging the utilization of heat falls into that category; maximizing heat efficiency in a survival situation, for instance, means you have more to spend when and if you absolutely need it.

To learn more about how to save on heat and power, check out Sand and Sisal.

Featured image via Sand and Sisal


  1. Richard Baker said:

    It is a sad commentary on our society that you are calling these hacks…

  2. Rebekah Hetzel Hadley said:

    Our fans run more during the winter then they do during the summer. It’s a great way to disperse the heat.


