Using Just Cotton Balls and THIS Common Household Item, Learn How to Ignite a Long-Lasting Fire

Fire is one of the most vital elements you must have, especially when dealing with a SHTF situation.

Even though it's not one of the “principles of three,” having a fire you can count on makes a lot easier, keeps you warm and secure and is also good for your morale.

Most preppers know to have several different fire starting supplies with them when they're bugging out or are simply venturing out into the wilderness, and the same thing is packed in their survival kits.

Fire is one of the most important elements you must secure if you are confronted with a survival situation.

However, your reliable fire-starter will be useful if you're unable to ignite the tinder to get that fire started. Thankfully, there's an answer to the tinder consideration.

Taking out Vaseline and cotton balls, you will have a reliable method of igniting a fire that will last a lot longer than traditional tinder that can be found in your surroundings.

In many cases, this fire starter will last just long enough to light dry or even tinder that's slightly damp.

To find out how this incredible cotton ball fire starter is done, check out these helpful instructions after the break. 

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  1. William Kersh said:

    Don’t waste your time clicking on this bate. It’s cotton balls and vasaline


