Using a Soda Can for Survival – Check Out These Cool Project Ideas!

DIY soda can project

Surviving by nature means being able to use everything around you to further your existence.

That means being able to take everyday household items and improvising them to make what you need or want to make your survival prospects more likely.

For example, did you know you can make a survival whistle from an empty aluminum Coke can (or any soda can) and that you can make a reflecting light which is great if you don't have power from traditional lights or have any flashlights?

In a survival situation, having a way to alert those who may be looking for you if you cannot signal them could be a life saver. Having a reflecting lamp could shed welcome light in an otherwise dark environment.

The video on the next page covers eight soda can projects anyone can do, from the whistle as mentioned above to several types of emergency lamps.

To see how to make your glow-stick even more easily seen at night, check out the Fat Guys' video on the next page.

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