Unexpected Items That’ll Likely Disappear During a Collapse


When a chaotic situation hits look out for a storm of hoarding from friends, neighbors and even kindly Mr. Jackson from down the street! All of these people who have known for a lifetime might suddenly be making themselves scares, not open doors when you come to call even though you know they are inside. It's not just because they are preparing to bug-out but because they have things to hide!

Even some of the simplest items, things we use every day and never thought we'd run out of, will suddenly become precious! Those in the know will understand they could be under attack if they do not keep quiet and make themselves inconspicuous! Yet others will be prepared to trade.

But what type of items are we talking about here? Anything from oil to simple over the counter medications could be worth their weight in gold when the SHTF! Go over to the next page and take a look at some of the items we think will disappear during a collapse!

Go over to the next page and take a look at some of the items we think will disappear during a collapse!

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