Understand the Science Behind Matches and Using the Chemical Reaction in Your Favor


Matches are an important part of every survival kit, and any Boy Scout worth his salt will tell you that the real judge of fire starting skills lies in the ability to be able to light a fire with just one match.

While you may run out of fuel for your lighter, as long as you have dry matches you should be able to get a fire going with little difficulty. What makes them work is a complicated bit of chemistry that results in, essentially, an explosive charge of heat and light. In other words: fire.

There are some ways you can make your matches more practical for future use, and this article specifically outlines five in particular. If you should ever have to rely on matches for fire starting purposes, these tips will make your life much easier.

To learn more about the science behind the matches and how what you can do to make this chemical reaction work in your favor, continue reading on the next page.

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